3 December 2020
Join Us at the Virtual AGU Fall Meeting 2020

The AGU Fall Meeting is the largest international Earth and space science meeting in the world. This year, for the first time, the conference is being held in virtual form.

AGU20 is scheduled from 1 to 17 December 2020 to accommodate over a thousand hours of virtual content and minimize conflicts while maximizing global engagement. The scientific program content will be available on demand, with pre-recorded oral presentations and virtual posters available for attendees to view and peruse outside of the scheduled live Q&A sessions during the meeting. Click here for a program overview and more AGU20 details.

Water will be present online at the AGU Fall Meeting 2020 as a supporter. If you are  attending this conference, please feel free to visit our page. For more information about the conference, please visit https://www.agu.org/Fall-Meeting.

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