4 December 2020
Recruiting Editors for Compounds

Compounds (ISSN 2673-6918), a new open access journal published quarterly online by MDPI, is recruiting Editorial Board Members (EBM) from the following areas:

  • Synthesis and characterization of organic/inorganic compounds
  • Properties of organic/inorganic compounds (including mechanical, thermal, structural, electric, magnetic and optical properties)
  • Physical inorganic chemistry/physical organic chemistry (including thermodynamics, kinetics, mechanisms, reactivity)
  • Coordination chemistry
  • Organometallic chemistry
  • Intermetallic compounds, metallic materials and alloys
  • Rare earth compounds
  • Solid-state chemistry (including bonding, crystal chemistry, high-pressure processes, magnetic and optical properties and characterization, surfaces, structural studies and transport phenomena)
  • Natural products (including isolation, identification and properties)
  • Materials (including synthesis, characterization and applications of magnetic materials, optical materials, intermetallic compounds, metallic materials and alloys)
  • Nanoscale chemistry
  • Energy and photochemistry (including hydrogen storage materials and hydrides)
  • Catalysis (homogeneous, heterogeneous and microheterogeneous)
  • Theory and computation
  • Simulation and modeling

Compounds (ISSN 2673-6918) is covering in a wide range of chemistry areas and compounds research. We wish to establish Compounds as an important platform and provide high-quality service to researchers in the field. For more derails and the current Editorial Board of Compounds, please visit the journal website at https://www.mdpi.com/journal/compounds/.

If you are interested in becoming an Editorial Board Member of Compounds, please send your application, including a full academic CV, to [email protected].

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