22 December 2020
Electronics 2021 Travel Awards—Open for Application

Dear colleagues,

We are accepting applications for the Electronics 2021 Travel Award, to be presented to two postdoctoral fellows to attend a conference in 2021. The award will be amount of CHF 800 (Swiss francs), to partially cover the transportation costs to a conference of the applicant’s choice.

All nominations and applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee composed of senior scholars in the field.

Candidate Requirements:

– Must be a postdoctoral fellow within the research field of electronics.
– Will participate in an international conference in 2021 (poster or oral presentation).
– Will be asked to acknowledge the support of the journal Electronics during their presentation.

Required Documents:

– An abstract and conference details (no more than one page).
– A CV (no more than three pages), including a one-page statement from the candidate describing their research interests and a list of publications.
– A letter of recommendation from their supervisor or principal investigator (PI). The supervisor or PI should sign and confirm that the applicant fulfills all of the above requirements.

Please submit your application at the following link (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics/awards/submit/966) by 28 February 2021.

The winner of this award will be announced on the journal website on 31 March 2021.

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