28 December 2020
New Editorial Board Members Joined Forests

We welcome the following recognized researchers, who recently joined the Editorial Board of Forests:

Prof. Dr. Carlo Blasi

Prof. Dr. Stanisław Małek

Prof. Dr. Jan Bocianowski

Dr. Dan Metcalfe

Dr. Manuela Branco

Dr. Brad Murray

Dr. Felipe Bravo

Dr. Takuo Nagaike

Dr. Giorgio Brunialti

Dr. Jose Antonio Navarro Cano

Dr. Federico Di Rita

Dr. Romà Ogaya

Dr. Laszlo Erdos

Dr. Antonios Papadopoulos

Dr. Juan F. Fernández-Manjarrés

Dr. Nicholas Payne

Dr. Luisa Frati

Dr. Tomas Pypker

Prof. Dr. Oliver Gailing

Dr. Bryce Richardson

Prof. Dr. Herminia García-Mozo

Prof. Dr. Paul-Antoine Santoni

Dr. Guillermo Gea-Izquierdo

Dr. Meelis Seedre

Dr. Filippo Giadrossich

Prof. Dr. Mark Tibbett

Dr. Pablo Gotor

Prof. Dr. Mulualem Tigabu

Prof. Dr. David F. Greene

Dr. Eddie J.B. van Etten

Dr. H. Roaki Ishii

Dr. Rimvydas Vasaitis

Dr. Rebecca Jordan

Prof. Dr. Arild Vatn

Dr. Colin Kelleher

Dr. Joana Ferreira

Dr. David Kenfack

Prof. Dr. Cristina Nabais

Dr. Xiangdong Lei

Dr. Marta Pardos

Dr. Martin Maier


We wish them every success in developing the journal.

Further details concerning the Editorial Board can be found at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/forests/editors

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