20 January 2021
Professor Robert Handfield Appointed Editor-in-Chief of Logistics

We are pleased to announce that Professor Robert Handfield has been appointed as the Editor-in-Chief of Logistics (ISSN 2305-6290).

Professor Robert Handfield received a Bachelors of Science in Mathematics from the University of British Columbia in 1985 and obtained a Ph.D. in Operations Management at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1990.

Professor Robert Handfield, the incoming Editor-in-Chief, joined the Logistics journal in 2017 and has helped the journal grow at a rapid pace ever since it was first published online. Professor Handfield is the Executive Director of the Supply Chain Resource Cooperative and the Bank of America University, as well as being the Bank of America University Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management in the Poole College of Management at North Carolina State University.

Professor Handfield has consulted with over 25 Fortune 500 companies across a number of industries, including IBM, John Deere, Shell Petroleum, Altria, Thermo Fisher, GSK, UPS, the U.S. General Services Administration, the US Department of Agriculture, the US Veterans Affairs, and many others. He has published more than one hundred and twenty articles in peer reviewed journals, with more than 35,000 Google Scholar citations in journals such as the Harvard Business Review, Journal of Operations Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, and Milbank Quarterly. He is regularly cited in the press, including the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg, National Public Radio, the San Francisco Chronicle, and others. He has been engaged with numerous legislative and regulatory bodies to help shape supply chain responses to the COVID crisis. His latest books, the Physics of Supply Chains and The LIVING Supply Chain, were published in the last three years.

Professor Handfield’s research focuses on the national healthcare response, supply market intelligence, and supplier risk management. He has held press conferences across the globe, including in China, Turkey, South America, Europe, Japan, Canada, and other regions.

We warmly welcome Professor Robert Handfield as our Editor-in-Chief, and look forward to his valuable contribution for the continued success of Logistics.

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