8 February 2021
Agronomy | 10th Anniversary Outstanding Reviewer Award—Winners Announced

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the winners of the Agronomy 10th Anniversary Outstanding Reviewer Award. The Agronomy Editorial Board and Editorial Team would like to gratefully acknowledge the time and energy dedicated by reviewers in checking the manuscripts submitted to Agronomy. It is due to their efforts that the high quality of the journal and quick turnaround are maintained.

Prof. Dr. Imre J. Holb

Affiliation: Institute of Horticulture, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary.

“I greatly appreciate your decision to grant me with your prestigious award of “Agronomy 10th Anniversary Outstanding Reviewer Award”. It is a great pleasure to review manuscripts for the journal of Agronomy (MDPI). I will do my best to review manuscripts for Agronomy in the future too. I also hope that my work as a reviewer will increase further the scientific value of Agronomy.”

Dr. Ioannis Mylonas
Affiliation: Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources, Hellenic Agricultural Organization-Demeter, Greece.

“I am especially appreciative and pleased to have been selected to receive the “Agronomy 10th Anniversary Outstanding Reviewer Award”. It is an honor for me that my work in reviewing has been recognized in this way by the Agronomy Award Committee, and I promise that I will continue my efforts.”

Prof. Dr. Janusz Podleśny
Affiliation: Department of Forage Crop Production, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, Pulawy, Poland.

“I want to thank you for giving me the award as a reviewer of Agronomy on the 10th anniversary of this journal. It is an important distinction and a great honor for me considering the high renown Agronomy has. I am glad, that my work as a reviewer caused the increase of published papers quality and could be an indication for young scientist preparing and submitting manuscripts to the Agronomy. I suppose these aspects gained recognition among participants of Award Committee. At the end, I would like to wish you many valuable and interesting papers and keeping the high rank of Agronomy in the future, as well as health and further success for whole Redactors team in the 2021.”

Dr. Nikolaos Tsakirpaloglou
Affiliation: The Crop Genome Editing Laboratory (CGEL), Texas A&M University and Texas A&M AgriLife Research, College Station, USA.

“When I first joined the Reviewer Board of Agronomy back in March 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 virus (or COVID-19 as it is widely known) had already landed on the shores of the US and we were all puzzled and rather worried to a certain extent, based on the news from Europe and elsewhere, for the development and advancement of the disease in the society. Despite the overall unrest and challenges of everyday life since then, I was fortunate to receive invitations for reviewing manuscripts for the Agronomy and other MDPI journals that enabled me to stay focused and positive, whilst expanding my knowledge in the broader area of crop improvement and agriculture, in general. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the journal Award Committee for this unanticipated recognition, as well as the editors that I communicated with the past few months. I hope that 2021 will be a better year for all of us. Until then, stay safe and stay healthy!”

The above awardees have been selected by the Editor-in-Chief of Agronomy, Prof. Dr. Peter Langridge. Each of them will receive 500 CHF, an offer to publish a paper free of charge in Agronomy before 31 June 2021, and a certificate to recognize their outstanding work.

Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Peter Langridge
Editor-in-Chief, Agronomy


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