26 February 2021
Forests | 2021 Graduate Student/Post-Doc Travel Awards Winners Announced

We are pleased to announce the two awardees for the 2021 Forests Graduate Student/Post-Doc Travel Awards, Ms. Pipiet Larasatie and Ms. Tania L. Maxwell.

Ms. Pipiet Larasatie is completing her PhD at Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA. She is an interdisciplinary scholar and social scientist researching sustainable business management and forest sector competitiveness. Her current research includes engineered wood industry development, public perceptions of wooden multi-story buildings, forest-based circular bioeconomy, and gender dynamics in the forest industry and faculties of forestry. For more information about her research and publications, please visit her personal website www.competitive-forest.com.

Ms. Tania L. Maxwell is a PhD student at the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), completing a double-degree program focused on Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems at the Université de Bordeaux, and Forest Sciences at the Université Laval in Quebec, Canada. Her professional interests include soil ecology, biogeochemistry, forests, global changes, and R and coding.

 Each of them will receive the following:

–– CHF 600 (Swiss francs);
–– Opportunities to publish a paper with a 30% discount in 2021;
–– A certificate.

For more information about Forests awards, please see the following link: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/forests/awards.

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