5 March 2021
Recruiting Editors for Section “Microelectronics and Optoelectronics” in Electronics

“Microelectronics and Optoelectronics” is focused on the fabrication of electronic, photonic, bioelectronic, electromechanics, and fluidic devices and systems, and their applications in the broad areas of electronics, photonics, energy, and the environment. This section will also cover the expanding interdisciplinary field of integrated nanoelectronics and photonics and micro- and nano-biosystems. The purpose of this section is to bring together researchers and engineers, from both researchers in academia and professionals in industry, to present the novel ideas and new research.

Subject areas of interest include, without being limited to the following:

  • Microelectronics processing and materials;
  • Micro- and nanoengineering, fabrication, technology, and manufacturing;
  • Nanoelectronic and photonic devices and their fabrication;
  • Microsystems, microdevices (e.g., sensors and nanoenergy devices) and their fabrication;
  • Microfluidics, sensors, as well as integrated chip and their fabrication.

You are welcome to join our section Editorial Board Members and contribute to this section.

For more information, please visit

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

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