19 March 2021
Recruiting Editorial Board Members for Section “Microwave and Wireless Communications” in Electronics

Our journal Electronics (ISSN 2079-9292) is now recruiting new Editorial Board Members for the section “Microwave and Wireless Communications” (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics/sections/microwave_and_wireless_communications). For this section, we are inviting advanced theories and technologies across a wide spectrum. These can be related to microwave and millimeter wave communication, including radar sensors, etc., which may be fundament or application, element or system, hardware or software, methodology theory or measurement. We hope to present state-of-the-art technologies in this section.

Subject areas of interest include, without being limited to, the following:

  • General wireless communication technology;
  • General microwave theory and technology, including antennae;
  • General radar technology;
  • Communication and radar signal processing;
  • Micro/millimeter wave imaging technology;
  • Micro/millimeter wave sensing technology;
  • Micro/millimeter wave network technology;
  • Micro/millimeter wave medical application;
  • Electromagnetic scattering and propagation;
  • Micro/millimeter wave measurement technology.

You are welcome to join our section Editorial Board Members and contribute to this section!

For more information, please visit: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics/sections/microwave_and_wireless_communications.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

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