8 April 2021
Electronics | 2021 Travel Awards – Winners Announced

As Editor-in-Chief of Electronics, I am pleased to announce the winners of the Electronics Travel Awards for 2021. The awards have been granted to: Dr. Peng Hang and Dr. Alfonso González Briones. 

  • Peng Hang

    Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    Research interest: vehicle dynamics and control; decision making; motion planning and control of automated and connected vehicles (CAVs) 
  • Alfonso González Briones

    Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Salamanca, Spain
    Research interest: energy optimization in households and intelligent buildings 

With so many high-quality applicants, the evaluation process and final decision were challenging. We would like to thank all the applicants for submitting their diverse and fascinating range of research topics. On behalf of the Assessment Committee, I congratulate the winners on their accomplishments. 

Prof. Dr. Flavio Canavero
Editor-in-Chief, Electronics


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