13 May 2021
Prof. Dr. Axel Klein Appointed Section Editor-in-Chief of “Inorganic Chemistry” in Molecules

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Axel Klein has been appointed Section Editor-in-Chief of the “Inorganic Chemistry” Section of Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049).

Name: Axel Klein
Email: [email protected]
Affiliation: Universität zu Köln, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Department für Chemie, Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Greinstraße 6, 50939 Köln, Germany
Homepage: https://klein.uni-koeln.de/
Research Keywords: transition metal complexes (including organometallic); platinum, palladium, nickel; copper; synthesis; electrochemistry; photophysics; spectroscopy; modelling of catalytic processes; precursors for CVD; ligand design; cytotoxic complexes; organic–inorganic perovskites; functionalisation of nanomaterials; electrochemistry

Prof. Dr. Axel Klein received his PhD in 1994 in Inorganic Chemistry and, since then, has worked in academic research focused on coordination chemistry. Today, his work spreads over various fields ranging from photochemistry and photophysics of complexes, organometallic catalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, and cytotoxic platinum complexes to organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites and the modification of nanomaterials, maintaining collaborations on all continents. Axel Klein holds a full professorship at the University of Cologne, Germany, and is the (co)author of more than 220 research papers, reviews, book chapters, and books. He is associate editor of numerous chemical journals, has provided over 500 reviews for journals, and is an active reviewer for several funding agencies (Humboldt, DFG, DAAD, NSF).

We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Axel Klein in his role as Section Editor-in-Chief, and we look forward to his leading Molecules to achieving more milestones.

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