21 May 2021
Recruiting Editorial Board Members for Section “Energy and Catalysis” of Nanomaterials

Nanomaterials (ISSN 2079-4991; IF:4.324) is recruiting Editorial Board Members for the Section “Energy and Catalysis”. You can check the existing Editorial Board Members by visiting the following link: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/nanomaterials/sections/energy_catalysis.

The main responsibilities of Section Editorial Board Members are as follows:

  1. Make a brief check before peer review when submissions are received in this Section, and make the final decision as to whether a paper is acceptable or not (after peer review and author's revision);
  2. Promote this Section on social media, at conferences, and recommend senior scholars;
  3. Propose hot topics in this field, and choose to edit a Special Issue on a topic related to your research;
  4. Assist the Editor-in-Chief on the Section’s development and contribute to the success of this Section.

The Section “Energy and Catalysis” aims to publish original and high-quality research, communications, articles, and review articles in the areas of nanoparticle design, synthesis and mechanistic aspects, modeling, and catalytic application of nanomaterials, with a particular focus on energy, biomass, and sustainable chemical processes.

To apply for this position, recommend potential candidates, or request further information, please contact Riven Yang ([email protected]) in the Nanomaterials Editorial Office.

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