22 June 2021
Call for Volunteers for Brain Sciences

We hope to call upon your expertise as a reviewer to help maintain the quality and efficiency of Brain Sciences.

We are particularly interested in recruiting reviewers in the following fields covered by Brain Sciences. In recent decades, this area has attracted great research interest, and significant progress has been made. We welcome scholars with research experience in topics including but not limited to the following:

  • neuropsychology, social cognitive, and affective neuroscience;
  • neurodegenerative diseases, psychiatric diseases;
  • neurorehabilitation, neuromuscular, and movement disorders;
  • neurodevelopmental processes;
  • synaptic maintenance, synaptic plasticity, synaptic de- and reorganization, neuron–glia communication, neurogenomics;
  • central and peripheral neural interfaces, neural circuits;
  • neural decoding and encoding algorithms;
  • neural computation and modeling;
  • brain–machine and brain–computer interfaces, nanotechnology, neuroprostheses;
  • neural signal processing, neuroinformatics;
  • neuroimaging;
  • neurobiology of language, neurolinguistics.

We will extend the following benefits to reviewers:

  1. The Brain Sciences Editorial Board will acknowledge all reviewers in its annual reviewer list through a publication/announcement in the “Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Brain Sciences” editorial on the journal website.
  2. Reviewer members who provide prompt, thorough, rigorous peer review reports will receive a voucher that can be applied to reduce the cost of their next publication in an MDPI journal.
  3. We hold an Outstanding Reviewer Award each year to acknowledge our reviewers who so generously give their time to review papers for the journal. There would be a chance for you to receive this award. Please click here for more details: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/brainsci/awards.
  4. Reviewers may be presented with the option to join the Editorial Board of the journal (subject to the approval of the Editor-in-Chief).

If you are interested in this work, please contact Brain Sciences Editorial Office or directly submit your information at https://susy.mdpi.com/volunteer/profile/edit.

We would greatly appreciate your support and hope you are interested in joining our team of reviewers!

Brain Sciences Editorial Office

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