24 June 2021
Forests | New Section “Forest Health” Established

We are pleased to announce the new Section “Forest Health” (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/forests/sections/forest_health) in the journal Forests. Prof. Dr. Young-Seuk Park is serving as the Section Editor-in-Chief.

Section Information

The Section “Forest Health” publishes original research and full-length review articles describing research on all aspects of forest health. Examples of areas covered in the Section “Forest Health” include but are not limited to: 

  • Physiological and genetic interactions between trees and harmful biotic impacts;
  • Resistance and resilience mechanisms;
  • Biological and applied aspects of tree diseases;
  • Biology, ecology, and control of forest tree insects;
  • Diagnosis, monitoring, and assessment of forest pathogen and insects;
  • Impacts of forest pathogens and insects on forests;
  • Impacts of disturbances, such as pollution and climate change, on forest trees and forest ecosystems;
  • Methodology of forest insect and disease surveys;
  • Population dynamics of forest insects;
  • Forest health assessment;
  • Alien invasive species;
  • Social dimensions of forest health;
  • Integrated management of forest defoliating insects and pathogens;
  • Quantitative approaches, including statistical, mathematics, and computer technology. 

In particular, we welcome contributions by early career researchers. We also invite senior scientists to serve as Guest Editors of new Special Issues on a single and particular theme of significant and/or growing importance.

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