25 June 2021
Clean Technologies Recruiting Reviewer Board Members

The journal Clean Technologies (ISSN 2571-8797) is recruiting Review Board Members. The main responsibility of the new Members of the Reviewer Board is to regularly provide timely high-quality reports on submitted manuscripts. The responsibilities of the reviewers are available at https://www.mdpi.com/reviewers

Clean Technologies (ISSN 2571-8797) is an open access journal published quarterly online by the leading open access publisher MDPI. Prof. Dr. Patricia Luis is serving as the Editor-in-Chief. This journal is dedicated to the publication and worldwide dissemination of peer-reviewed research articles, communications, and review papers in all areas of clean technologies. The journal is presently covered by the following indexes: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), etc. The Aims and Scope of the journal can be found at https://www.mdpi.com/journal/cleantechnol/about

The benefits of joining the Reviewer Board of Clean Technologies are as follows: 

  • We will announce your entry information on the journal's Reviewer Board;
  • For each review, we will offer you a discount code if a comprehensive and timely report is provided. The vouchers can be used for your future publications in all MDPI journals; 
  • You may publish one paper per year with a 50% discount after standard peer review in Clean Technologies
  • You will receive a personalized reviewer certificate; 
  • You will have the ability to adjust your review frequency based on your schedule in our system; 
  • You can verify and showcase your peer review and editorial contributions for our journal; 
  • You may be presented with the possibility to join the Editorial Board of the journal (subject to the approval of the Editor-in-Chief); 
  • The Clean Technologies Editorial Board will acknowledge all Reviewer Board Members in its annual reviewer list through a publication/announcement in the "Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Clean Technologies" editorial on the journal website. 

To apply or request further information, please contact the Clean Technologies Editorial Office (Email: [email protected]).

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