9 July 2021
Telecom | ConTEL 2021 Best Paper Award—Winner Announced

On behalf of the Editor-in-Chief of Telecom, Prof. Sotirios K. Goudos, we are pleased to announce that the winning paper of the Best Paper Award of ConTEL 2021 is the paper “On Machine Learning based Video QoE Estimation Across Different Networks”, coauthored by Irena Oršolić from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, in Croatia, and Michael Seufert from the University of Würzburg, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, in Germany!

The winners will receive a cash award of CHF 300, which is sponsored by the journal Telecom. We congratulate the winners on their accomplishments!

We would like to take this opportunity to invite attendees of ConTEL 2021 to make a contribution to Telecom. The Best Paper Award winner and other selected candidates will receive a quota for publishing an extended version of the conference paper, with all publication fees waived, in open access format in Telecom, after the standard peer-review procedure.

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