7 August 2021
Recruiting Editorial Board Members for the Section “Applied Chemistry” of Molecules

The Section “Applied Chemistry” of Molecules is recruiting Editorial Board Members. You can check the existing Editorial Board Members by visiting the following link:


Benefits of Molecules Editorial Board membership:

  1. Increase your visibility and also increase your knowledge of the field;
  2. Full waiver of the article processing charge (APC, CHF 2000) for one paper published in Molecules per year and special discounts (10% off) for any additional papers, providing that terms 1 or 2 in the responsibilities are addressed during the editorship;
  3. Molecules offers sponsorships for conferences organized by Editorial Board Members and helps with promotion.

The main responsibilities of the Section Editorial Board Members are as follows:

  1. Providing scientific supervision for the Section;
  2. Inviting distinguished scientists to join the Editorial Board;
  3. Suggesting hot topics for Special Issues;
  4. Making decisions about the suitability of a paper to enter the peer-review process and about its acceptance at the end of the process;
  5. Promoting this Section, recommending international conference cooperation, and assisting this Section in holding physical/electronic conferences;
  6. Providing feedback and suggesting improvements for the journal.

This Section of Molecules covers the application of the principles and theories of chemistry to answer a specific question or solve a real-world problem, as opposed to pure chemistry, which is aimed at enhancing knowledge within the field. For more information about this Section and publishing in Molecules, please see the Section’s webpage: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/molecules/sections/applied-chemistry.

To apply for this position, recommend potential candidates, or request further information, please contact Ms. Kylie Xiao ([email protected]) from the Molecules Editorial Office.

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