31 August 2021
Recruiting Editorial Board Members for the Section “Computation and Simulation on Metals” of Metals

The Section “Computation and Simulation on Metals” of Metals (ISSN: 2075-4701) is recruiting Editorial Board Members. The Section Editor-in-Chief is Prof. Dr. Xing-Qiu Chen from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. You can check out the existing Editorial Board Members by visiting the following link: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/metals/sectioneditors/computation_simulation_metals.

The main responsibilities of the Section Editorial Board Members are as follows:

  • Providing scientific supervision for the Section;
  • Inviting distinguished scientists to join the Editorial Board;
  • Suggesting hot topics for Special Issues;
  • Making decisions about the suitability of a paper to enter the peer review process and about its acceptance at the end of the process;
  • Promoting this Section, recommending international conference cooperation, and assisting this Section in holding physical/electronic conferences;
  • Providing feedback and suggesting improvements for the journal.

For more information about this Section and publishing in Metals, please see the Section’s webpage:


To apply for this position, recommend potential candidates, or request further information, please contact Mr. Humphrey Wu ([email protected]) from the Metals Editorial Office.

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