17 September 2021

Entropy | Video Exhibition—Open for Submission

Entropy has launched a new project—Video Exhibition—for authors that have papers published in Entropy. Authors can apply to exhibit a video abstract to briefly introduce their published research. That will help the paper make a bigger impact, potentially attract more citations, and further establish authors’ reputation.

Website Link: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy/exhibition.


To submit the video abstract, please click “Submit Your Video” on the website. Below is an introduction of the Video Abstract (VA):

A video abstract is an increasingly popular way of getting others to engage with published research, increasing the visibility of articles. It can be 2–5 minutes long, summing up what has been accomplished and documented in your paper and, crucially, why it is important for the community. One can use video abstracts to illustrate concepts explained in the article, to introduce viewers to the equipment and tools that have been used in the research, and engage with the audience in a more informal manner. It could be a video recorded by using the "record slide" function in PowerPoint, and then saved as one of the following file types: MPEG-4 Video (*.mp4), WMV,AVI,MOV,3GP,or MPEG, depending on which is the most convenient for you.

Below are some basic technical guidelines and requirements for the video abstract:

  1. Maximum size: 200 MB;
  2. Title (it will be displayed to the public);
  3. Cover image (jgeg, png): minimum size: 250px*166px;
  4. Copyright holder: Please state who owns the copyright of your items.

If you are interested in the exhibition, please do not hesitate to share your video abstract with us. Alternatively, you could send the video abstract to [email protected] and we will put it online.

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