26 October 2021
Section “Clinical Pharmacy” of Pharmacy—Rename Statement

Section “Clinical Pharmacy” has been renamed “Pharmacy Practice and Practice-Based Research”. The Section welcomes papers that are in the following research fields:

  • Social, behavioral, and clinical pharmacy;
  • Patient access, affordability, adherence, education, equity, experiences, and inclusion;
  • Precision/tailored/individualized services for patients;
  • Patient reported outcomes and experiences with pharmacy;
  • Pharmacy analytics, informatics and technology;
  • Pharmacy services and implementation science;
  • Pharmacy economics and comparative effectiveness;
  • Pharmacy regulations and policy;
  • Pharmacy workforce;
  • Advanced and specialized pharmacy practice;
  • Community pharmacy and ambulatory practice;
  • Health system and managed care pharmacy practice;
  • Pharmaceutical care and clinical pharmacy practice;
  • Pharmaceutical public health and community health;
  • Future developments in pharmacy practice, including theories and methods.

Pharmacy Editorial Office

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