26 October 2021
Journal of Nanotheranostics | JNT 2022 Travel Awards—Open for Application

We are pleased to announce that the Journal of Nanotheranostics (JNT, ISSN: 2624-845X) will be awarding two Travel Awards to junior scientists. The applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee consisting of senior scholars from the JNT Editorial Board.

This award provides financial support for the winners to attend an international conference (both virtual and physical conferences are included) in the field of nanotheranostics to be held in 2022, in order to make a presentation, present a poster, or both.

You are welcome to submit your application for the JNT 2022 Travel Awards online by 30 November 2021: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jnt/awards/1535.

Prizes will be awarded in early 2022 and announced on the JNT website.

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