28 October 2021
2021 Nanoenergy Advances Award—Winner Announced

The 2021 Nanoenergy Advances Award is sponsored by the international journal Nanoenergy Advances (ISSN 2673-706X), published by MDPI, and will be presented during the International Conference on Nanoenergy and Nanosystems (NENS) 2021 (www.nens.cn). We are pleased to announce that the winner of the 2021 Nanoenergy Advances Award is Prof. Dr. Federico Rosei of the Centre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Varennes (QC), Canada.

The award was presented during NENS 2021 on Oct. 24, 2021, in Beijing. Congratulations to the winner!

Prof. Dr. Federico Rosei was awarded for his pioneering work on solar technologies, using ferroelectric nanostructures as photoabsorbers to convert solar energy into electricity or solar fuels (e.g., hydrogen). He currently holds the world record for power conversion efficiency in ferroelectric photovoltaics in both single-layer thin films [Nature Phot. 12, 271 (2018)] and multilayer films [Nature Phot. 9, 61 (2015)].

Prof. Dr. Federico Rosei, Ph.D., is a Full Professor at the Centre Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Varennes (QC), Canada. In January 2014, he was appointed the UNESCO Chair in Materials and Technologies for Energy Conversion, Saving, and Storage and since May 2016 he has held the Canada Research Chair (Senior) in Nanostructured Materials. Prof. Dr. Rosei investigates structure/property relationships in nanomaterials, which he uses as building blocks in emerging technologies. His research has been supported by multiple funding sources from the Province of Quebec, the Government of Canada, and international agencies (>18 M$). He has worked in partnership with over 25 Canadian R&D companies. He has published >400 articles (>17,800 citations, H=72) in prestigious international journals; has been invited to speak at >330 international conferences; and has given >250 seminars/colloquia, >60 professional development lectures, and 40 public lectures in 48 countries on all inhabited continents. He is a Fellow of numerous prestigious national and international societies and academies, including the Royal Society of Canada, the European Academy of Science, the Academia Europaea, the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, the American Physical Society, AAAS, the American Ceramic Society, the Optical Society of America, SPIE, the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and ASM International as well as an Honorary Fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society. He has received many awards and honors, including a Bessel Award (von Humboldt foundation 2011), the José Vasconcelos Award for Education (World Cultural Council 2014), the IEEE NTC Distinguished Lectureship 2015–2016, the Chang Jiang Scholar Award (China), the Khwarizmi International Award (Iran), the President’s Visiting Fellowship for Distinguished Scientists (Chinese Academy of Sciences 2017), the Changbai Mountain Friendship Award (2018), the APS John Wheatley Award (2019), the Blaise Pascal Medal (European Academy of Science 2019), the IEEE Photonics Society Distinguished Lectureship (2020–2022), the Guangxi Golden Silkball Friendship Award, the TMS Brimacombe Medal (2021), and the Wolfson Fellowship (Royal Society).

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