29 October 2021
Recruiting Topical Advisory Panel Members for Biomolecules


To expand our biomolecules science community, Biomolecules is launching a new position—Topical Advisory Panel Member.

Biomolecules (ISSN 2218-273X) is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal whose scope lays at the intersection between chemistry, biology, molecular medicine and material sciences. The journal has a strong focus on structures and functions of bioactive and biogenic substances, molecular mechanisms with biological and medical implications as well as biomaterials and their applications. Biomolecules publishes articles, reviews, communications and editorials. The 2020 impact factor for Biomolecules was 4.879. The Biomolecules website can be accessed here: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/biomolecules.

Should you decide to serve on the Topical Advisory Panel, you would be responsible for some of the following tasks, depending on your availability:

  • Providing regular reviews of manuscripts;
  • Setting up at least one Special Issue (SI) in partnership with a senior researcher within two years of the appointment and proposing a detailed strategic plan for the SI. The topic of the proposal should be within the scope of the journal. The scope of the Special Issue should be broad enough to attract a reasonable number of submissions but narrow enough to provide a cohesive collection of articles. The Special Issue should cover a small part of the scope of the journal, but not its entirety;
  • Providing a detailed strategic plan for the SI including assisting in preparing the Special Issue’s/Topic’s title, aim and scope, summary and keywords, soliciting papers and promoting the SI;
  • Providing support for the Special Issues/Topics related to your expertise when the Guest Editor(s) is not available. This includes SI promotion via social media and giving advice on some scientific cases;
  • Promoting the journal at conferences (adding 1–2 slides into your presentation, distributing flyers, recommending the journal to your colleagues, etc.), on social media and other relevant platforms;
  • Participating in working with Editorial Board Members or the Editorial Office in promoting high-quality/featured papers (for example writing summary or highlights for the editor's selected papers).

If you are interested in this position or know of potential candidates to recommend, or wish to request further information, please contact the Biomolecules Editorial Office ([email protected]). We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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