22 December 2021
Toxins | 27th Meeting on Toxinology of the French Society of Toxinology (SFET)—Best Oral Communication Award and Best Poster Award Winners

The editorial team of Toxins (ISSN: 2072-6651) would like to congratulate the winner of the Best Poster Award, Ms. Anne-Cécile Van Baelen, and the winner of the Best Oral Communication Award, Dr. Barbara Ribeiro, at the 27th Meeting on Toxinology of the French Society of Toxinology (SFET).

Toxins Best Poster Award Winner

Toxins Best Oral Communication Award Winner

Left: Ms. Anne-Cécile Van Baelen, doctoral fellow from SIMoS, CEA de Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, Fance;

Right: Dr. Barbara Ribeiro postdoctoral fellow from the Institute du Thorax, Nantes, France.

The following are the titles of their work:

“Characterization of Innovative Animal Toxins for the Functional Study of Angiotensin Receptors

Authors: Anne-Cécile Van Baelen, Nicolas Gilles, Denis Servent and Philippe Robin

Affiliation: Université Paris-Saclay, CEA Départment Médicaments et Technologies pour la Santé (DMTS), SIMoS, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Functional Impact of BeKm-1, a High-Affinity hERG Blocker, on Cardiomyocytes Derived from Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Authors: Stephan De Waard, Jérôme Montnach, Barbara Ribeiro, Sébastien Nicolas, Virginie Forest, Flavien Charpentier, Matteo Elia Mangoni, Nathalie Gaborit, Michel Ronjat, Gildas Loussouarn, Patricia Lemarchand and Michel De Waard

Affiliation: L’unité de recherche de I’institut du thorax Inserm UMR 1087 / CNRS UMR 6291 Nantes, France

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