30 June 2022
Free Media Partnership with XVIII EUCARPIA Biometrics in Plant Breeding Conference, 21–23 September 2022, Paris, France

We welcome you to the 18th meeting of the EUCARPIA Biometrics in Plant Breeding, organized by the GQE-Le Moulon Research Unit (INRAE, Paris-Saclay University, CNRS and AgroParisTech), which will take place from 21 to 23 September 2022 in Paris-Saclay University Campus, France. More information and a preliminary program will be available soon. Below is a first glimpse into the main scientific topics of the meeting:

  • Gene–environment interaction and crop growth modeling;
  • Multi-omics data integration;
  • Deep learning;
  • Non-additive genetic effects;
  • Diversity management;
  • High-throughput phenotyping.

Leading scientists in all these areas have been invited to present inspiring lectures. We also welcome contributions from participants on these topics. The meeting will provide great opportunities for discussions with leading experts and to meet researchers and breeders from a variety of companies and research institutes. The conference will be preceded by the Satellite Workshop on Phenomic Selection, which will also be held at ENS Paris-Saclay.

For more information, you can access the conference website at the following link: https://eucarpiabiom22.sciencesconf.org.

We look forward to seeing you in France in September 2022!

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