12 July 2022
Livers | Call for Special Issue Proposals and Recruiting Guest Editors

Livers (ISSN: 2673-4389, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/livers) is an international, scientific, and open access journal that provides a platform for basic, translational, and advanced clinical research in the multi-disciplinary field of hepatology. It publishes reviews, original research articles, communications, perspectives, brief/case reports, commentaries, and editorials. The journal is indexed within CNKI, DOAJ, ProQuest, and many other databases.

The Livers editorial team is pleased to announce this open call for Special Issue proposals, which offers a group of authors the opportunity to work on an interconnected set of papers on an innovative topic. We are soliciting high-quality proposals that will be evaluated in a continuous selection process throughout the year.

Proposals within the scope of the journal are welcome. For more details, please see: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/livers/about.

If you would like to propose a Special Issue topic for this journal, please contact the Livers Editorial Office ([email protected]) or complete and submit the form at the following link: https://www.mdpi.com/journalproposal/sendproposalspecialissue/livers. Our editors will respond to you as soon as possible.

The following information should feature in the proposal:

  • A 150–200-word summary that clearly states the significance, novelty, technical advancement, and adherence of the proposed topic to the scope of the journal;
  • A list of 5–10 keywords related to the topic;
  • A brief resume of the proposed Guest Editors, together with their information (title, name, email, affiliation, personal website, and keywords of interests);
  • A proposed submission deadline (a Special Issue will usually be open for submissions for 6–8 months).

The duties of acting as a Guest Editor are as follows:

  • Preparing the Special Issue title, brief summary, and keywords;
  • Circulating the call for papers for the Special Issue and inviting submissions;
  • Pre-screening papers, supervising the entire peer-review process, and making decisions based on the reports we collect;
  • Promoting the Special Issue at conferences, on social media, and on other relevant platforms.

The benefits of acting as a Guest Editor are as follows:

  • Increased visibility and knowledge of innovations in the field;
  • Publishing a paper, free of charge, in the Special Issue;
  • Potential discounts for additional papers you invite;
  • If ten or more papers are published in this Special Issue, we will make a Special Issue book and send a hard copy to each Guest Editor.

The Editorial Office will set up the Special Issue’s website, arrange the promotional materials, assist with the invitations for paper contributions, and take care of the administrative tasks associated with peer review (including inviting reviewers, collating reports, contacting authors, and arranging professional production before publication).

Please do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Office ([email protected]) for further details and clarification.

We look forward to receiving your proposals.

Livers Editorial Office

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