13 July 2022
Cells | Editor’s Choice Articles in 2020–2021 in the Section “Cell Nuclei: Function, Transport and Receptors”

The following are the Editor’s Choice Articles in the Section “Cell Nuclei: Function, Transport and Receptors” of Cells (ISSN: 2073-4409) in 2020–2021:

1. “Hippocampal Neurogenesis Is Enhanced in Adult Tau Deficient Mice”
by Criado-Marrero, M.; Sabbagh, J. J.; Jones, M. R.; Chaput, D.; Dickey, C. A.; Blair, L. J.
Cells 2020, 9(1), 210; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells9010210
Full text available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/9/1/210

2. “miRNAs as Influencers of Cell–Cell Communication in Tumor Microenvironment”
by Conti, I.; Varano, G.; Simioni, C.; Laface, I.; Milani, D.; Rimondi, E.; Neri, L. M.
Cells 2020, 9(1), 220; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells9010220
Full text available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/9/1/220

3. “Prevention of DNA Replication Stress by CHK1 Leads to Chemoresistance Despite a DNA Repair Defect in Homologous Recombination in Breast Cancer”
by Meyer, F.; Becker, S.; Classen, S.; Parplys, A. C.; Mansour, W. Y.; Riepen, B.; Timm, S.; Ruebe, C.; Jasin, M.; Wikman, H.; Petersen, C.; Rothkamm, K.; Borgmann, K.
Cells 2020, 9(1), 238; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells9010238
Full text available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/9/1/238

4. “DNA Methylation-Based Testing in Liquid Biopsies as Detection and Prognostic Biomarkers for the Four Major Cancer Types”
by Constâncio, V.; Nunes, S. P.; Henrique, R.; Jerónimo, C.
Cells 2020, 9(3), 624; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells9030624
Full text available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/9/3/624

5. “Lamin A/C Assembly Defects in LMNA-Congenital Muscular Dystrophy Is Responsible for the Increased Severity of the Disease Compared with Emery–Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy”
by Bertrand, A. T.; Brull, A.; Azibani, F.; Benarroch, L.; Chikhaoui, K.; Stewart, C. L.; Medalia, O.; Ben Yaou, R.; Bonne, G.
Cells 2020, 9(4), 844; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells9040844
Full text available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/9/4/844

6. “Comparative Application of BioID and TurboID for Protein-Proximity Biotinylation”
by May, D. G.; Scott, K. L.; Campos, A. R.; Roux, K. J.
Cells 2020, 9(5), 1070; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells9051070
Full text available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/9/5/1070 

7. “Progerin Expression Induces Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Senescence in Human Coronary Endothelial Cells”
by Bidault, G.; Garcia, M.; Capeau, J.; Morichon, R.; Vigouroux, C.; Béréziat, V.
Cells 2020, 9(5), 1201; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells9051201
Full text available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/9/5/1201 

8. “Ivermectin as a Broad-Spectrum Host-Directed Antiviral: The Real Deal?”
by Jans, D. A.; Wagstaff, K. M.
Cells 2020, 9(9), 2100; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells9092100
Full text available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/9/9/2100

9. “Circular RNA Encoded Amyloid Beta peptides—A Novel Putative Player in Alzheimer’s Disease”
by Mo, D.; Li, X.; Raabe, C. A.; Rozhdestvensky, T. S.; Skryabin, B. V.; Brosius, J.
Cells 2020, 9(10), 2196; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells9102196
Full text available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/9/10/2196 

10. “Nuclear Pore Complexes Cluster in Dysmorphic Nuclei of Normal and Progeria Cells during Replicative Senescence”
by Röhrl, J. M.; Arnold, R.; Djabali, K.
Cells 2021, 10(1), 153; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells10010153
Full text available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/10/1/153

11. “The Temporal Order of DNA Replication Shaped by Mammalian DNA Methyltransferases”
by Takebayashi, S. -i.; Ryba, T.; Wimbish, K.; Hayakawa, T.; Sakaue, M.; Kuriya, K.; Takahashi, S.; Ogata, S.; Hiratani, I.; Okumura, K.; Okano, M.; Ogata, M.
Cells 2021, 10(2), 266; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells10020266
Full text available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/10/2/266

12. “Coordinated and Independent Roles for MLH Subunits in DNA Repair”
by Pannafino, G.; Alani, E.
Cells 2021, 10(4), 948; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells10040948
Full text available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/10/4/948

13. “The Ultimate (Mis)match: When DNA Meets RNA”
by Palancade, B.; Rothstein, R.
Cells 2021, 10(6), 1433; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells10061433
Full text available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/10/6/1433

14. “The Role of DNA Damage Response in Dysbiosis-Induced Colorectal Cancer”
by Rivas-Domínguez, A.; Pastor, N.; Martínez-López, L.; Colón-Pérez, J.; Bermúdez, B.; Orta, M. L.
Cells 2021, 10(8), 1934; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells10081934
Full text available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4409/10/8/1934

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