19 July 2022
Materials | Best Oral Presentation Award for the 18th European Student Colloid Conference—Winner Announced

Materials (ISSN: 1996-1944) has sponsored the Best Oral Presentation Award for the 18th European Student Colloid Conference. The applications were processed by the Conference Committee. We are pleased to announce the winner, Mr. Tin Klačić.

Mr. Tin Klačić graduated in the field of chemistry at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, in 2017. Since then, he has been a Ph.D. student employed as an assistant at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science in Zagreb. His teaching activities are at the Division of Physical Chemistry, where his work is connected to seminars and laboratory exercises in several physical chemistry courses for undergraduate and graduate students. The main areas of his scientific work are colloidal and interfacial chemistry, physical chemistry of macromolecules (especially polyelectrolytes), electrochemistry, and chemical kinetics. He has experience in using several instruments, such as atomic force microscopes, ellipsometers, contact angle goniometers, zetasizers, spectrophotometers, etc. His scientific results have been published in 10 articles in journals from the Current Contents selection and presented at 14 conferences. He has also published one professional paper.

We would like to congratulate Mr. Tin Klačić again for his accomplishments! If you are also interested in Materials’ Awards, please refer to https://www.mdpi.com/journal/materials/awards to apply or nominate someone else for an award.

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