26 July 2022
Meet Us at the Genes 2023 Single Cell Genomics Moving Forward Conference, 29–31 March 2023, Barcelona, Spain

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our pleasure to invite scientists, academicians, young researchers, and students from all over the world to attend the International Conference Single Cell Genomics Moving Forward and present their research. This conference will be held as a three-day event in Barcelona, Spain, from 29 to 31 March 2023.

Our goal in holding this conference is to facilitate innovative collaborative research on the interface of single-cell genomics, spatial transcriptomics, and artificial intelligence. The demand for integrating these fields is quickly growing, and by bringing together multi-disciplinary groups of scientists to present and exchange breakthrough ideas, we hope to stimulate advances in the single-cell research field.

Our program includes keynote lectures, invited talks, workshops, and collaborative discussion sessions on recent outstanding achievements made in single-cell research. In particular, we will focus on identifying future trends and the needs of the field and on proposing and discussing innovative interdisciplinary approaches to address them.

This conference is initiated and sponsored by the journal Genes (ISSN: 2073-4425, IF: 4.141) with the goal of establishing a regular event to provide a venue for initiating collaboration, and discussing the latest achievements and challenges in single-cell biology. We hope to inspire young scientists to join this emerging and exciting field.

We are inviting researchers, experts, students, as well as innovative businesses focusing on any aspect of single-cell multi-omics technologies and analysis, the use of artificial intelligence in single-cell genomics, and spatial genomics and transcriptomics to attend and present their research and products. It is only through an exchange of the widest variety of research possible that we can offer the best forward-thinking solutions in this challenging field. Furthermore, all presenters at the conference will be encouraged to submit a full manuscript of their presentation for consideration for publication in a Special Issue of Genes.

We look forward to meeting you and discussing your exciting single-cell research in the beautiful city of Barcelona!

Genes 2023 Conference Chairs
Professor J. Peter W. Young and Dr. Anelia Horvath

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