27 July 2022
Prof. Dr. Massimiliano Ferrara Appointed Section Editor-in-Chief of Section "Financial Mathematics" in Mathematics

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Massimiliano Ferrara has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of the Section "Financial Mathematics" in Mathematics (ISSN: 2227-7390).

Prof. Dr. Massimiliano Ferrara is a Research Affiliate at ICRIOS – Invernizzi Center for Research on Innovation, Organization, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Bocconi University, and a full professor of Mathematical Economics at “Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria. He was a Vice Rector of strategic planning, development and general affairs, a member of the Academic Senate, Department Chairman (Dept. of Law, Economics and Human Sciences) and a Ph.D. School Head. Currently, he is the President of the Scientific Committee of MEDAlics Research Centre and Scientific Director of DECISIONS Lab at Unirc. He was on the General Counsel of “Fondazione Banco di Napoli”, Vice Rector at University for foreigners “Dante Alighieri” of Reggio Calabria. He was a visiting professor at Harvard University, Cambridge (USA), Western Michigan University (USA), Morgan State University, Baltimora (USA), Northeastern University di Boston (USA), Center for Dynamics of Dresden University of Technology (Germany), and Politechnica University of Bucharest—UPB —(Romania). He is a member of the Mathematical Association of America, of the Indian Academy of Mathematics and a member of the AMASES Scientific Committee (2017-2022). He is the Editor, Co-Editor, Associate Editor and Referee of reputable international scientific journals of economics, pure and applied mathematics. He is the author and co-author of more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals and 15 research monographs. His main research interests are mathematical economics, game theory, optimization theory, dynamical systems, epidemic modeling and COVID-19, patterns of growth and sustainable development, applied economics, portfolio management, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

The following is a short Q&A with Prof. Dr. Massimiliano Ferrara, who shared his vision for the Section “Financial Mathematics" with us, as well as his views on the research area:

1. What appealed to you about the journal that made you want to take the role as its Section Editor-in-Chief?

I have previously collaborated with MDPI and joined the Mathematics Editorial Board in 2019. During this time, I was able to observe the increasing quality and the high scientific output of MDPI, focusing on journal metrics and both impactful and reputable performances. I read the Call for Section Editor-in-Chief and I was attracted to this new professional challenge. I was selected, and I wish to thank the MDPI Board for its esteem. I am ready to return this trust with my passion, commitment, and hard and qualified work.

2. What is your vision for the Section?

As in every field in which complexity and different kinds of "uncertainty" exist, finance represents a challenge and is a fascinating attractor of arising interests and new frontiers of knowledge. I am sure that in the next two years, we will join a fruitful common path of growth, trying to intercept the new subfield of research born in this specific research context.

3. What does the future of this field of research look like?

The future of this area of research has an excellent scientific basis. New research on the so-called FINTECH, with the strategic role played by artificial intelligence, machine and deep learning in making decisions in a disruptive way compared to the past, gives us the opportunity to explore the field of finance with new approaches and tools, presenting scenarios which were unthinkable until a few years ago.

4. What do you think of the development of Open Access in the publishing field?

Open access in research is the future. Innovation and knowledge are increasing, along with tools of pure and applied research, particularly in hard science. Artificial intelligence enabled by machine learning and deep learning are assuming a strategic role on this side. In sustaining this deep process of growth, scientific publishing should adopt open access as natural platform for the exchange of information, data, tools and new findings.

5. What aspects do you focus on when reviewing a manuscript?

First of all, I try to intercept the scientific message and the real scope of the manuscript after the first reading. This is the basic first step. After this starting point, I study the author’s research profile to try to understand their scientific approach. It is not fundamental where they normally publish—in terms of the journal—but how they publish. During the third step, I begin to technically study the manuscript, following a classic approach.

6. Do you have any suggestions for young researchers in this field?

Young researchers should have a real and deep passion for research, not thinking only of metrics with a maniacal propulsion. It is really important to follow one’s own instincts and curiosity when trying to carry out good research. All researchers need to trust their own capacity and the constant presence of their mentor as a guide, offering messages of trust and human support. The rest, and the most fundamental aspect, always comes down to self-confidence.

We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Massimiliano Ferrara to his role as Section Editor-in-Chief and look forward to his guidance in leading "Financial Mathematics” to more milestones.

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