1 November 2022
Editorial Board Members from Biosensors Featured among the World’s Top 2% Scientists List

We are pleased to share that 110 Editorial Board Members from MDPI’s Biosensors (ISSN: 2079-6374) were included among the World's Top 2% Scientists list.

A. Ping Zhang Jaebum Choo Romana Schirhagl
Aaron R. Hawkins Jayne Wu Ryan K. Roeder
Alexey N. Bashkatov Jayoung Kim Shabi Abbas Zaidi
Ali Khademhosseini Jian Wu Shao Su
Ali Mobasheri Jing Wei Shaopeng Wang
Andrea Cusano Jinghong Li Shimshon Belkin
Barbara Zavan Jinghua Yu Shiping Song
Biwu Liu Joseph BelBruno Shu Gong
Blake N. Johnson Joseph Irudayaraj Taek Dong Chung
Boris B. Dzantiev Jun Chen Ulla Wollenberger
Challa V. Kumar Jun Li Umile Giuseppe Longo
Changjun Hou Jun Wei Umut A. Gurkan
Cheal Kim Junle Qu Vojtech Adam
Cheng-Te Lin Kangwon Lee Waseem Asghar
Chengzhou Zhu Kenneth A. Marx Wen Shi
Christos Kokkinos Kourosh Kalantar-Zadeh Wenzhuo Wu
Chuanbin Mao Luigi Campanella Wujian Miao
Chun Yang Zhang Makusu Tsutsui Xi Chen
Conor O'Mahony Meng Liu Xiangheng Niu
Dimitrios Fotiadis Michael G. Mauk Xiaomiao Feng
Dinesh K. Kumar Michael S. Strano Xinyu Xue
Dong Wang Michael Thompson Xuemei Wang
Evgeny Katz Michael Z. Lin Yan Zhang
Fahmeed Hyder Minghui Yang Yanbin Li
Fernando Patolsky Mingxu You Yanmin Zhang
Francesco Baldini Mohammad Mahdi Hasani-Sadrabadi Ye Ai
Fred Lisdat Mohammadreza Tahriri Yi Chen
Gang Wei Nae Yoon Lee Yong Qiu
Giovanni Neri Nicole Jaffrezic-Renault Yong Zhao
Guanshu Liu Nicole Pamme Yu Lei
Guozhen Liu Niko Hildebrandt Yu Xiang
Hafiz M.N. Iqbal Nongyue He Yuanjiang Xiang
Hong Liu Orlando Fatibello-Filho Yuehe Lin
Hua Li Paolo Bollella Yuling Hu
Hui Ma Ping Yu Z. Hugh Fan
Hui Wang Qiuming Yu Zheyu Shen
Ian M. White Ramon A. Alvarez-Puebla Zhiqiang Su

The list was created by Prof. John P. A. Ioannidis, from Stanford University, and his research team. They have created a publicly available database of 100,000 top-cited scientists that provides standardized information on citations, h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions, and a composite indicator (c-score). Scientists are classified into 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields.

The full list of the 2022 World's Top 2% Scientists can be accessed at the following link: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw.

We would like to congratulate our Editorial Board Members on their excellent achievement and thank them for their immense contributions to the scientific progression and development of Biosensors.

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