2 November 2022
Materials | Recruiting Section Editor-in-Chief for the Section “Soft Matter”

We are now recruiting the Editor-in-Chief for the Section “Soft Matter” of Materials (ISSN: 1996-1944), which was launched last year. If you are an active researcher in one of the soft matter fields and are passionate about publishing cutting-edge research, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Section Information:

Research in soft matter covers, among other polymers, liquid crystals, colloids, granular matter, hybrids and active matter, as well as wetting and friction phenomena, soft surfaces and interphases, gels, liquid–liquid phase transitions, and biomimetic systems. To enhance our understanding of soft matter in the context of material science, the Section includes but is not limited to contributions to:

  • Theoretical, computational, and experimental studies of polymers, gels, colloids, wetting and friction phenomena, soft surfaces, and active and biomimetic systems;
  • The understanding of phase transitions and phase behavior in soft matter;
  • The understanding of non-equilibrium and meta-stable states in soft matter, including applications to device functions and processing;
  • Application of methods of artificial intelligence and machine learning in soft matter and soft materials, processing, and devices.

You can find more information about the Section on our homepage: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/materials/sections/soft_matter.

The Section Editor-in-Chief has the following responsibilities:

  • Promoting Materials and the Section “Soft Matter” and increasing their visibility at related academic conferences;
  • Scientific decisions about the journal’s scope;
  • Inviting distinguished scientists to join the Editorial Board;
  • Suggesting topics for Special Issues and assisting the Guest Editors in the setup of Special Issues;
  • Providing support and guidance to Editorial Board Members and editorial staff where required;
  • Overviewing the editorial process for individual manuscripts (mainly by taking the final decision on whether a paper can be published after peer review and revisions).
  • Understanding, leading, and upholding MDPI’s peer review guidelines and ethics guidelines.

We believe that by combining our rigorous editorial policies with your expertise, we can build a high-quality journal. We thank you in advance for your interest and look forward to collaborating with you.

Materials Editorial Office

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