7 November 2022
Editorial Board Members and Guest Editors from Genes Featured in Stanford’s List of the World's Top 2% Scientists

We are pleased to share that 197 Editorial Board Members and Guest Editors from MDPI’s journal Genes (ISSN: 2073-4425) were featured in Stanford’s List of the World's Top 2% Scientists.

Dr. Abdelhafid Bendahmane Dr. Hui Li Dr. Piero Fariselli
Dr. Achille Iolascon Dr. Idan Shalev Dr. Qing Yang
Dr. Albert Jeltsch Dr. Ingo Schubert Dr. Qinghua Cui
Dr. Albert Jordan Dr. J. Antonio Baeza Dr. Quan Zou
Dr. Alejandro Vaquero Dr. J. Peter W. Young Dr. Radhey S. Gupta
Dr. Alexandre Reymond Dr. Jacqueline Batley Dr. Rainer Spanagel
Dr. Alok Sharma Dr. Jacqueline Smith Dr. Rajiv Kumar
Dr. Alwin Kraemer Dr. Jeanette Erdmann Dr. Richard Hunter
Dr. Ana Conesa Dr. Jeffrey Feder Dr. Rob Illingworth
Dr. Anke Becker Dr. Jeffrey Kidd Dr. Robert Best
Dr. Annette Becker Dr. Jeffrey P. Mower Dr. Robert Brosh
Dr. Antonio Figueras Dr. Jeremy Murray Dr. Robert Kelsh
Dr. Antonio Granell Dr. Jeremy Searle Dr. Robert Kofler
Dr. Antonio Ventosa Dr. Jianping Xu Dr. Robert L. Taylor
Dr. Assaf Distelfeld Dr. Jin Chen Dr. Robert Waterhouse
Dr. Axel Schambach Dr. John H. Postlethwait Dr. Roberto Tuberosa
Dr. Benjamin Meder Dr. Joris Veltman Dr. Rodney N.Nagoshi
Dr. Bernd Weisshaar Dr. Joris Veltman Dr. Rosario Perona
Dr. Bin Yu Dr. Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte Dr. Rui Chen
Dr. Bina Joe Dr. Judith Fischer Dr. Rui Jiang
Dr. Bing Yang Dr. Judith Haendeler Dr. Sandosh Padmanabhan
Dr. Bruce Budowle Dr. Jun Cai Dr. Scott Pratt
Dr. Christian Roos Dr. Jun Yu Dr. Selvarangan Ponnazhagan
Dr. Christian Rudolph Dr. Jurg Ott Dr. Seppo YlaHerttuala
Dr. Christian Schloetterer Dr. Karen M. Vasquez Dr. Sergey Nikolaev
Dr. Christina Zeitz Dr. Katsushi Tokunaga Dr. Sergi Puig
Dr. Christoph Plass Dr. Keith A. Crandall Dr. Shaochen Sun
Dr. Chunyu Liu Dr. Kejian Wang Dr. Silvia Turroni
Dr. Claudia Ricci Dr. Kenta Nakai Dr. Stefan Engelhardt
Dr. Constantinos Deltas Dr. Keun Hur Dr. Stefano Lonardi
Dr. Corrado Angelini Dr. Klaus Jung Dr. Stefano Volinia
Dr. Cristiano Simone Dr. Klaus Wimmers Dr. Stephen Hart
Dr. Dale R. Nyholt Dr. Knut Rudi Dr. Stephen Tsui
Dr. Dan Graur Dr. Lars Feuk Dr. Subbaya Subramanian
Dr. Daotai Nie Dr. Lei Wei Dr. Susana Vinga
Dr. David C. Spray Dr. Lei Xue Dr. Taichiro Goto
Dr. David Goldman Dr. Lina Ma Dr. Thomas Liehr
Dr. David N. Cooper Dr. Lorena Ruiz Dr. Tomoyoshi Nozaki
Dr. David Parry Dr. Lubo Zhang Dr. Valeria D’Argenio
Dr. Diego Centonze Dr. Luonan Chen Dr. Victor Jin
Dr. Dino Samartzis Dr. M. Michael Gromiha Dr. Vladimir Korinek
Dr. Dongsheng Cai Dr. Manfred Kayser Dr. Walter Doerfler
Dr. Dragan Primorac Dr. Manuel A. Garrido-Ramos Dr. Walther Parson
Dr. Ed Smith Dr. Marc Via Dr. Wei Hu
Dr. Elena Bosch Dr. Maria Anisimova Dr. Wei Zhang
Dr. Elfride De Baere Dr. Maria C.DeRosa Dr. Wolfram S. Kunz
Dr. Emmanuelle Genin Dr. Mario Ventura Dr. Xia Yang
Dr. Eric Barrey Dr. Mark Helm Dr. Xiangzong Meng
Dr. Erich Bornberg-Bauer Dr. Markus J.Herrgard Dr. Yan Guo
Dr. Euan K. James Dr. Martin Vingron Dr. Yongyong Shi
Dr. Faustino Mollinedo Dr. Massimiliano Cardinale Dr. Yu Shyr
Dr. Feng Cheng Dr. Michael Hofreiter Dr. Yuri Motorin
Dr. Feng Gao Dr. Michael McClelland Dr. Yvan Devaux
Dr. Folker Meyer Dr. Michel Arthur Dr. Ze Zhang
Dr. Francois Rousseau Dr. Miguel Andrade Dr. Zeynep Tumer
Dr. Frank Kramer Dr. Mihaela Pertea Dr. Zhipeng Liu
Dr. George C.Tseng Dr. Min Song Dr. Zoltan Ivics
Dr. Gino Fornaciari Dr. Ming Zhou
Dr. Giovanni Neri Dr. Nico M. Van Straalen
Dr. Giuseppe Limongelli Dr. Nina Gunde-Cimerman
Dr. Giuseppe Palmisano Dr. Olaf Nielsen
Dr. Graham Williams Dr. Ondrej Slaby
Dr. Graziano Pesole Dr. Paolo Ajmone-Marsan
Dr. Gudrun Rappold Dr. Paul A. Sieving
Dr. Guoliang Li Dr. Paula Soares
Dr. Hans A. Hofmann Dr. Peixin Dong
Dr. Hans Lehrach Dr. Peter Boag
Dr. Heidi A. Tissenbaum Dr. Peter Devilee
Dr. Hui Jiang Dr. Peter Gill
Dr. Hui Li Dr. Philippe Vandenkoornhuyse

The list was created by Prof. John P. A. Ioannidis from Stanford University and his research team. They have created a publicly available database of 100,000 top-cited scientists that provides standardized information on citations, h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions and a composite indicator (c-score). Scientists are classified into 22 scientific fields and 176 sub-fields.

We would like to congratulate our Editorial Board Members and Guest Editors on their excellent achievement and thank them for their immense contribution to the scientific progression and development of Genes.

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