7 November 2022
Electronics | 2022 Travel Awards—Winners Announced

As the Editor-in-Chief of Electronics (ISSN: 2079-9292), I am pleased to announce the winners of the Electronics Travel Awards for 2022. The awards have been granted to Mr. Gia Quoc Bao Tran and Dr. Nishu Gupta.

Name: Gia Quoc Bao Tran
Affilaition: Ph.D. student at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, Université PSL, France
Research interests: observer design for hybrid dynamical systems

Name: Nishu Gupta
Affilaition: Postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Research interests: autonomous vehicles; edge computing; smart wireless systems; Internet of things; deep learning; ad hoc networks

Each winner will receive CHF 800 and a certificate.

With so many high-quality applicants, the evaluation process and final decision were challenging. We would like to thank all of the applicants for submitting their diverse and fascinating range of research topics.

On behalf of the Assessment Committee—Dr. Maysam Abbod, Dr. Francisco Falcone, Dr. Ping-Feng Pai and Prof. Dr. Giulio Antonini—we congratulate the winners on their accomplishments.

Prof. Dr. Flavio Canavero
Editor-in-Chief, Electronics

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