9 November 2022
Recruiting Editors for Anesthesia Research

Applications for editor positions are now open for Anesthesia Research. You can find the responsibilities of and opportunities for these positions below.

Editorial Board Members:

  • Providing occasional feedback on the journal’s scope and performance;
  • Prescreening and making decisions regarding new submissions related to your research interests;
  • Setting up at least one Special Issue during your term (2 years) on a topic related to your research interests;
  • Helping to promote the journal among your peers or at conferences;
  • Reviewing a couple of manuscripts per year;
  • Publishing one paper per year, free of charge, in the journal, as well as receiving certain discounts for papers invited from your scientific network.

If you are interested in the above position, please send your full academic CV and a short cover letter that details your interest in and enthusiasm for the position to [email protected].

Guest Editors:

  • Preparing the Special Issue’s title, aim and scope, summary, and keywords;
  • Soliciting contributions or suggesting potential contributors;
  • Prescreening, supervising the whole peer review process, and making decisions regarding new submissions to your Special Issue;
  • Promoting the Special Issue at conferences, on social media, and on other relevant platforms;
  • Publishing one paper within the Special Issue, as well as receiving certain discounts for papers invited from your scientific network.

If you are interested in leading a Special Issue, please contact [email protected].

Anesthesia Research is an international, peer-reviewed, and open access journal that focuses on the researching and practicing of anesthesia. The journal covers all aspects of research on anesthesia physiology, medical physics, and pharmacology, as well as invasive and non-invasive organ support techniques used in the field. There is no restriction on the length of papers that can be submitted. Full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be independently reproduced. Electronic files and software showing the full details of the calculation or experimental procedure, if unable to be published within the text, should be deposited as supplementary electronic material suitable for reuse. For more information, please visit https://www.mdpi.com/journal/anesthres.

Anesthesia Research Editorial Office

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