14 December 2022
Children | Top 5 Cited Papers in 2021 in the Section “Pediatric Orthopedics”

  1. “Diagnostic Accuracy of 3D Ultrasound and Artificial Intelligence for Detection of Pediatric Wrist Injuries”
    by Jack Zhang, Naveenjyote Boora, Sarah Melendez, Abhilash Rakkunedeth Hareendranathan and Jacob Jaremko
    Children 2021, 8(6), 431; https://doi.org/10.3390/children8060431
    Available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9067/8/6/431
  2. “Effect of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Pediatric Patients’ Admissions to the Emergency Department in an Italian Orthopedic Trauma Hub”
    by Fabio Verdoni, Martina Ricci, Cristina Di Grigoli, Nicolò Rossi, Michele Davide Maria Lombardo, Domenico Curci, Riccardo Accetta, Marco Viganò, Giuseppe Maria Peretti and Laura Mangiavini
    Children 2021, 8(8), 645; https://doi.org/10.3390/children8080645
    Available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9067/8/8/645
  3. “Is a Parry Fracture—An Isolated Fracture of the Ulnar Shaft—Associated with the Probability of Abuse in Children between 2 and 16 Years Old?”
    by Kyra Hermans, Duncan Fransz, Lisette Walbeehm-Hol, Paul Hustinx and Heleen Staal
    Children 2021, 8(8), 650; https://doi.org/10.3390/children8080650
    Available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9067/8/8/650
  4. “Analysis of Clinical Outcome and Predictors of Mortality in Pediatric Trauma Population: Evidence from a 10 Year Analysis in a Single Center”
    by Ya-Chih Yang, Tsung-Han Hsieh, Chi-Yuan Liu, Chun-Yu Chang, Yueh-Tseng Hou, Po-Chen Lin, Yu-Long Chen, Da-Sen Chien, Giou-Teng Yiang and Meng-Yu Wu
    Children 2021, 8(8), 688; https://doi.org/10.3390/children8080688
    Available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9067/8/8/688
  5. “Diagnosis and Treatment for Pediatric Supracondylar Humerus Fractures with Brachial Artery Injuries”
    by Tu Ngoc Vu, Son Hong Duy Phung, Long Hoang Vo and Uoc Huu Nguyen
    Children 2021, 8(10), 933; https://doi.org/10.3390/children8100933
    Available online: https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9067/8/10/933

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