22 December 2022
Materials | Best Oral Presentation and Best Poster Award for the 4th International Conference on Materials: Advanced and Emerging Materials (ICM 2022)—Winners Announced

Materials (ISSN: 1996-1944) has organized and sponsored the Best Oral Presentation and Best Poster Award for the 4th International Conference on Materials: Advanced and Emerging Materials (ICM 2022). The applications were processed by the Conference Committee. We are pleased to announce the Best Oral Presentation Award winner, Ms. Katherine Pérez, and Best Poster Award winner, Ms. Noor Abu Jarad.

Dr. Fernando Rubiera González

Best Oral Presentation Award winner: Ms. Katherine Pérez
Affiliation: Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
Presentation Title: “Formation of PEO coatings on binary material Mg-33 wt% Ti processed by high-energy ball milling (HEBM)”

Dr. Fernando Rubiera González

Best Poster Award winner: Ms. Noor Abu Jarad
Affiliation: McMaster University, Canada
Poster Title: “Omniphobic Spray Coating with Repel and Kill Mechanism Prevents Contamination by Drug-Resistant Bacteria and Viruses on High-Touch Surfaces”

ICM 2022 was chaired by the Materials Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Maryam Tabrizian (McGill University, Montreal, Canada) and Associate Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Filippo Berto (Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway). The conference topics included: Materials Characterization, Nanotechnology in Material Sciences and Engineering, Materials Processing and Manufacturing, Soft and Bio-materials, Fibers and Membranes, and Optical, Electrical and Magnetic Materials. More details about the conference can be found on the following website: https://icm2022.sciforum.net/.

The following is an interview with Ms. Katherine Pérez:

We would like to congratulate Ms. Katherine Pérez and Ms. Noor Abu Jarad again for their accomplishments! If you are also interested in Materials’ awards, please refer to https://www.mdpi.com/journal/materials/awards to apply or nominate someone else for an award.

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