23 December 2022
Sensors | Season's Greetings from Dr. Felipe Jiménez—Section Board Member of “Vehicular Sensing”

This Season's Greetings video is from the Editorial Board Member Dr. Felipe Jiménez, from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

The "Vehicular Sensing" Section of Sensors (ISSN: 1424-8220) was established in 2021 and publishes original peer-reviewed papers and surveys covering all aspects of sensing technologies in relation to vehicles. "Vehicular Sensing" publishes studies on the collection of data by on-board sensors and their subsequent dissemination to other vehicles through vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication. Thus, numerous applications and technologies have been, and continue to be, developed, including vehicle sensor networks (VSNs), vehicular transportation, unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs), intelligent vehicles, vehicular communications, and traffic monitoring, etc.

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