26 December 2022
Sensors | Season’s Greetings from the Section Editor-in-Chief and Section Associate Editor of “Communications”

Prof. Dr. Xianbin Wang

Editor-in-Chief of the “Communications” Section





Prof. Dr. Peter Han Joo Chong

Section Associate Editor of the “Communications” Section





This Season’s Greetings video is from the Section Editor-in-Chief of the “Communications” Section, Prof. Dr. Xianbin Wang, who is the professor at Western University, and the Section Associate Editor Prof. Dr. Peter Han Joo Chong, who is from the Auckland University of Technology. The “Communications” Section of Sensors (ISSN: 1424-8220) was established in 2020 and publishes original peer-reviewed papers covering all aspects of the communications field, including, but not limited to, the design, implementation, and theoretical analysis of wireless communication, optical communication, and satellite communication systems; signal processing techniques; networking, data analytics; system operation; and emerging communication technologies.

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