27 December 2022
Sensors | Season’s Greetings from the Section Board Member of “Electronic Sensors” Section

This Season's Greetings video is from the Section Board Member of “Electronic Sensors” Section of Sensors (ISSN: 1424-8220), Prof. Dr. Pak Kwong Chan, from Nanyang Technological University, China.

The "Electronic Sensors" Section was established in 2019. This Section addresses the electronic components that are part of devices used to measure a physical quantity, such as temperature, humidity, pressure, light, distance, acceleration, loudness, or other physical quantities, and convert it into an electrical signal. Submitted papers should focus on the design of innovative electrical and electronic circuitry configurations for the development of sensor systems, including interfaces, chips, SoC implementations, etc. Novel approaches for smart sensors and advances in electronic transduction mechanisms, enabling enhancements in selectivity, sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio, dynamic range, miniaturization, as well as the detection of novel measurands, fall within the scope of this Section.

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