29 December 2022
Sensors | Season’s Greetings from Dr. Mikhael Bechelany—Section Editor-in-Chief of “Sensor Materials”

This Season's Greetings video is from the Section Editor-in-Chief of the "Sensor Materials" Section, Dr. Mikhael Bechelany, who is a professor at the University of Montpellier, France.

The "Sensor Materials" Section was established in 2018, and this Section covers all aspects related to the materials of sensors and their relevant fields. In particular, it considers sensors where the transduction of sensing is obtained by exploiting some specific property of the used materials, and/or where advanced, smart, engineered, special, tailored, or exotic materials are utilized for transduction. The Section will also include sensors and measurements systems applied to the characterization of specific material properties. The "Sensors Materials" Section will include sensors based on (without being limited to) the following classes of materials: semiconducting materials, ceramic materials, metallic materials, organic materials, piezoelectric materials, two-dimensional materials, nanomaterials, biomaterials and biologically derived materials, metal–organic frameworks, soft materials, metamaterials, and chromogenic materials.

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