31 December 2022
Land | Season’s Greetings from Editorial Board Members

As we reflect on the past year, the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Christine Fürst and all the staff from the Land Editorial Office extend great thanks to all who have contributed to the development of Land. We wish you all a joyful holiday season and a happy New Year filled with outstanding achievements. Let us welcome a few of our Editorial Board Members to express our gratitude and best wishes for the coming year.

Land (ISSN: 2073-445X, IF: 3.905) is an international and cross-disciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal of land system science, landscape, soil sediment–water systems, urban study, land–climate interactions, water–energy–land–food (WELF) nexus, biodiversity research and health nexus, land modeling and data processing, ecosystem services, and multifunctionality and sustainability, etc., published monthly online by MDPI. The International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE), European Land-use Institute (ELI), Landscape Institute (LI), and Urban Land Institute (ULI) are affiliated with Land, and their members receive a discount on the Article Processing Charge.

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