19 January 2023
Prof. Dr. Javier Gil Appointed Section Editor-in-Chief of Section "Biomaterials" in Materials

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Javier Gil has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of the Section "Biomaterials" in Materials (ISSN: 1996-1944).

This Section of Materials covers the broad field of biomaterials, understood as materials for applications in contact with the human body in the biomedical field, including materials in medicine, medical devices, biosensors, implants, scaffolds for tissue engineering, drug delivery systems, and antibacterial and dental materials.

Prof. Dr. Javier Gil’s self-introduction:

Throughout my professional life, I have never stopped researching. My research has led to very significant contributions in the development of new biomaterials for hard tissues substitution, dental implants, superelastic and shape memory alloys applied in biomedical applications, bioactive and osseoinductive materials, bacteriostatic and bactericide surfaces, biofunctionalized strategies, and the study of the mechanisms that control the interactions between biomaterials and cells or tissues. This has been possible thanks to having a team with a marked interdisciplinary character.

I have participated in numerous projects funded by national and international entities with very active international involvement, especially through European projects such as Reborne (2010‒2015) and Innovabone (2011‒2015), both in the field of biomaterials for bone regeneration. I have authored 370 research publications indexed in the Web of Science (h-index 57) and more than 11.150 citations (Google Academic) and have contributed to more than 275 international congresses. I have edited 10 books and authored 47 book chapters. At several foreign universities, I have been a visiting lecturer, such as the University of Southampton (UK), University of Michigan (US), University of Minnesota (US), UTSA-Health Campus (University of Texas, San Antonio, US), Universidade do Coimbra and Porto (P), and Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (UNAM), and I have delivered more than 70 invited lectures at international conferences. Mentoring young researchers has been a central part of my activities, with the supervision of 36 Ph.D. theses (36 presented and 6 more ongoing) and 12 Postdoctoral fellows, as well as 62 master theses and final engineering projects. I have been actively involved in translating research into clinical practice and the industrial sector, being the author of 6 patents licensed to companies and in operation. The Klockner ContacTi dental implant, which is used internationally and one of the best-selling dental implants in Spain, is the result of a patent. In 2013, I participated as a founding partner in the creation of the Spin-Off Company Mimetis Biomaterials, (https://www.mimetis.com/en/). In 2021, the company employed 15 employees.

I was President of the Iberian Society of Biomechanics and Biomaterials and, in 2014, I organized, as vice-president, the International Congress of Ceramics in Medicine, Bioceramics 26, in Barcelona and the 17th European Conference on Biomaterials. Additionally, I participated in the European Society for Biomaterials in Barcelona 2002 as the vice-president.

In 2020, I received the Prize for the Best Scientific Career in the Field of Materials Science and Technology (Materials Science Society). Since 2018, I have been the International Research Advisor to the MDRCBB-Minnesota Dental Research Center for Biomaterials and Biomechanics of the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. I received the Award of Honour Sociedad Española de Implantes in 2021. I am a numerary member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors and Royal Academy of Dentistry, which I became in 2013, and became, on 14 March 2018, Doctor Honoris Causa for the Universidad de La Habana (Cuba), which was actually proposed by the Universidad de Sevilla.

The following is a short Q&A with Prof. Dr. Javier Gil, who shared his vision for the Section with us as well as his views on the research area and Open Access publishing:

1. What appealed to you about the journal that made you want to become its Section Editor-in-Chief?

Over the last few years, I have been able to publish several contributions of my research in biomaterials in Materials and I have been an editor of several Special Issues. The scientific rigor, the good work of the reviewers, and the agility of the journal have been reasons for Materials to be a publication channel for our research group. I am proud and very excited to contribute to the growth of the journal.

2. What is your vision for the Section?

The number of research projects in biomaterials is steadily increasing and publication in this field is growing exponentially. Materials for health are key for people who are living longer and longer. Biomaterials aim to improve the quality of life and health of all human beings. In my opinion, this Section is one of the most important in Materials.

3. What does the future of this field of research look like?

New biomaterials, biofunctionalization of implantable materials with specific missions, new methods of shaping biomaterials such as 3D printing and laser, advances in materials for regenerative medicine, bioactive materials, and bio-instructive materials are aspects of the future. It should be noted that biomaterials are an interdisciplinary area of science where biologists, engineers, chemists, microbiologists, etc., all collaborate with a common goal. This collaboration is occurring and the number of areas of knowledge involved in the advancement of materials for health is growing every day.

4. What do you think of the development of Open Access in the publishing field?

In my opinion, Open Access is the present and the future of scientific publishing. The advancement of science is progressive and based on knowledge generated worldwide. The openness of science and the ease of reading internationally is critical for progress in any discipline.

5. What aspects do you focus on when reviewing a manuscript?

Firstly, scientific rigor, the reproducibility of the tests, and the use of appropriate methodologies to obtain the results of the work. Also, the importance of the topic, the originality of the study and the appropriate references so that readers can broaden their knowledge.

6. Do you have any suggestions for young researchers in this field?

My advice to young people is always to be passionate about their research, to work hard, to be patient in achieving results, and to collaborate with other research groups loyally. The fruits will come, and they will have prestigious publications that will advance the frontier of knowledge. The “Biomaterials” Section of Materials will be there to publish their excellent work. We want to continue to be a prestigious instrument for the expansion of science.

We wish Prof. Dr. Javier Gil every success in his new position, and we look forward to his contributions to the journal.

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