7 February 2023
Prof. Dr. Sanjay K. Srivastava Appointed Section Editor-in-Chief of Section “Cancer Metastasis” in Cancers

We are delighted to announce that Prof. Dr. Sanjay K. Srivastava, M.S., Ph.D., FAAAS, has become the new Section Editor-in-Chief of the Section “Cancer Metastasis” in Cancers (ISSN: 2072-6694).


Name: Prof. Dr. Sanjay K. Srivastava

Affiliation: Department of Immunotherapeutics and Biotechnology, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Abilene, TX 79601, USA

Interests: determining the mechanism of drug resistance in various cancer models; understanding the tumor microenvironment; angiogenesis and metastasis; repurposing non-cancer drugs for cancer therapy; phytochemicals for cancer prevention and therapeutics; targeting STAT-3, NF-kB, HER2, MCL-1, AKT/FOXO, GLI1/2, and related oncogenic signaling pathways.

Prof. Dr. Sanjay K. Srivastava is a University Distinguished Professor, the Chairman of the Department of Immunotherapeutics and Biotechnology, and the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC). He is also a James ‘Buddy’ Davidson Endowed Professor of Pediatric Pharmacology and Oncology. Prof. Dr. Srivastava also served as the Associate Dean for Research for six years at TTUHSC. He recently received the honor to be elected as the Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), which is a very prestigious scientific organization.

Prof. Dr. Srivastava has extensive research experience in the field of cancer chemoprevention and therapeutics. He is a serial innovator with several patents to his credit. His inventive contributions are supported by excellence in research. Named in the World’s Top 2% Scientists list for 2020 and 2021, Prof. Dr. Srivastava has a track record of being a productive scientist, authoring more than 160 research articles in high-impact journals with more than 10,000 citations and holding an H-index of 57, demonstrating just how impactful his research contributions have been over the years. His research has been funded by the National Cancer Institute, NIH, and other agencies and he has received numerous prestigious awards. The major focus of his laboratory is on delineating the signaling mechanisms responsible for tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis in different cancer models including pancreatic, ovarian, breast, melanoma, and glioblastoma. His recent research focuses on understanding the mechanism of chemotherapeutic drug resistance in melanoma, breast, and glioblastoma. For the last 10+ years, he has also been repurposing existing non-cancer drugs for cancer therapy. For example, his group has demonstrated the anticancer effects of a few anti-psychotic drugs for breast cancer, brain cancer, and pancreatic cancer therapy. He also outlined the anti-tumor effects of anti-malarial and anti-helminthic drugs for drug-resistant breast cancer.

Prof. Dr. Srivastava has mentored numerous trainees (undergraduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students) who are now established researchers/faculty at different places. His research has been highlighted by media and news agencies. Prof. Dr. Srivastava is on the editorial board of several prestigious journals and is a member of societies including AACR, SOT, AAAS, and AAPS. He serves on the grant review panels of the National Institute of Health (NIH), the Department of Defense, and other agencies.

The following is a short Q&A with Prof. Dr. Srivastava, who shared his vision for the journal with us, as well as his views of the research area and Open Access publishing:

1. What appealed to you about the journal that made you want to take the role as its Editor-in-Chief?

I am a well-established cancer researcher and have published a few articles in Cancers. I realized that Cancers was lacking one of the key hallmarks of cancer, metastasis, so I decided to establish a separate Section for “Cancer Metastasis”. With my 30 years of research experience in the field of cancer and over 160 publications, I can contribute significantly to this Section.

2. What is your vision for the Section?

I would like to expand this Section and would like to see it become one of the top-rated journal Sections on cancer metastasis.

3. What does the future of this field of research look like?

Although a lot of groundbreaking discoveries have been made, there is still a lot to know about cancer and appropriate drugs to be found for therapy, especially for metastatic tumors.

4. What do you think of the development of Open Access in the publishing field?

The benefit of Open Access journals is that they are easily accessible to people across the globe.

We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Sanjay K. Srivastava as the new Section Editor-in-Chief and we look forward to him leading Cancers to reach many more milestones.

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