10 February 2023
Hygiene | New Section “Food Hygiene and Safety” Established

The Hygiene (ISSN: 2673-947X) editorial team is pleased to announce the launch of a new Section, “Food Hygiene and Safety”. The journal Section on food hygiene covers all aspects related to food hygiene and food safety. It encompasses any research or review on biological and chemical hazards present in food environments with consumer health implications. This Section puts special emphasis on the analysis of the impact of novel and conventional food hygiene interventions and food safety policies from a multidisciplinary and One Health perspective. Several topics are within the scope of the Section, such as the study of the response of foodborne pathogens in foods, emergent and zoonotic foodborne pathogens, natural toxins, microbial resistance, xenobiotic pollutants and allergens, food safety educational programs, and the use of digital solutions for food control and food traceability.


  • predictive microbiology;
  • food risk assessment;
  • foodborne disease investigations;
  • incidence of foodborne pathogens throughout the food chain;
  • emerging foodborne pathogens;
  • performance of good hygiene practices;
  • food quality and safety protocols;
  • emerging food processing technology for food safety;
  • novel food preservatives;
  • food process control;
  • food hygiene policies;
  • food hygiene in healthcare settings;
  • food safety educational programs;
  • food toxicology;
  • omics for food hygiene;
  • digital solutions for food management systems;
  • food safety from a One Health perspective. 

We are currently recruiting Editorial Board Members (EBMs) for this Section. If you are an active researcher in this field and are passionate about publishing cutting-edge research, please contact us at [email protected]. Alternatively, you may wish to submit your work directly via the following link: https://susy.mdpi.com/user/manuscripts/upload?journal=hygiene.

Hygiene Editorial Office

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