14 February 2023
Biomedicines 2022 Early-Career Women Award—Winner Announced

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Biomedicines 2022 Early-Career Women Award is Dr. Roberta Giuffrida.

Dr. Roberta Giuffrida is a dermatologist and a researcher at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine at the University of Messina (Italy). Dr. Giuffrida’s research interests are in new and existing non-invasive tools useful for the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers, and her main focus is on dermoscopy. Dr. Giuffrida received her Ph.D. in 2020 and has an outstanding publication record, comprising 94 publications in peer-reviewed international journals, and her Hirsch index is 15. She is a rising star in the field of biomedicines. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Roberta Giuffrida on her outstanding achievements.

As the awardee, Dr. Roberta Giuffrida will receive an honorarium of CHF 1000, an offer to publish a paper free of charge in Biomedicines in 2023 after peer-review, and a certificate.

We would like to thank all the nominators from various fields of study for their participation and all the Award Committee members for their evaluation of many excellent nominees.

Prof. Dr. Shaker A. Mousa
Editor-in-Chief of Biomedicines

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