15 March 2023
Interview with Prof. Dr. M. R. Mozafari—Editorial Board Member of Biomedicines

We had the pleasure of speaking with Prof. Dr. M. R. Mozafari, Editorial Board Member of Biomedicines (ISSN: 2227-9059), to discuss his experience with Biomedicines and the recent research trends in the field.

Prof. Dr. M. R. Mozafari is an expert in nano-biotechnology, encapsulation and targeting of bioactive agents with a substantial number of publications, 12 patents, five books and several book chapters. He is the author of the first book on nanoliposomes, he completed many industrial research projects, and developed methods (e.g., “Mozafari Method”) for the large-scale manufacture of controlled release systems without using toxic agents. Recently, he introduced a novel technology for the encapsulation and delivery of a bioactive material called "Tocosome".

We hope you enjoy the interview.

1. Why did you decide to work with Biomedicines?
The main important characteristics of MDPI in general, and Biomedicines in particular, are being well organized, user-friendly, fast process of publication, fast responses to emails, increasing citations and impact factor. Therefore, being associated with Biomedicines is prestigious for me and any scientist.

2. Could you tell us more about the journal and your role there?
Biomedicines is an internationally recognized, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal in the broad field of biomedicines, and allied disciplines, published monthly by MDPI. I am a Section Board Member of Biomedicines and currently act as a Guest Editor for two Special Issues. I have already compiled a Special Issue for this journal in which eight high-quality papers were published.

3. Why should scientists submit their manuscripts in Biomedicines?
Researchers and scientists want to see their articles attract a good number of readers and attain high citation numbers. These parameters are important in increasing the h-index of authors. Biomedicines journal is committed to assuring the quality and maximum visibility of the published manuscripts.

4. How would you recommend picking the right journal to submit your research in?
I recommend scientists to publish in prestigious and well-organized journals with high impact factor, high quartiles, reliable user-friendly websites, accessible editors and staff, and efficient promotional policy.

5. What makes a great research paper?
When I was an M.Sc. student, I remember how desperate I was to find a useful paper that can help me with my laboratory research and later on with the preparation of my thesis. A great research paper and a good review article can help scientists and researchers to find easy answers to their questions.

6. What excites you the most about the nano-delivery systems’ field?
Nano-biotechnology in general and nano-delivery systems in particular show a great promise to find solutions for challenging illnesses (e.g., cancer and viral infections) with no or minimal side-effects. The field requires ingenuity, creativity, and an inventive mindset.

We are thankful for Prof. Dr. Mozafari’s time and his support of Biomedicines.

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