17 March 2023
Women in Engineering: Interview with Prof. Dr. Mariagiovanna Minutillo—Editorial Board Member of Energies

We had the pleasure of speaking with Prof. Dr. Mariagiovanna Minutillo, Editorial Board Member of Energies (ISSN: 1996-1073). We hope you enjoy the interview.

Prof. Dr. Mariagiovanna Minutillo, a full professor at the University of Salerno, Italy, has 20 years of experience in teaching and research activities on fuel cell (FC) technologies, hydrogen (H2) technologies, the sustainability of energy technologies, and the decarbonization and economic profitability of energy systems. Since 2019, she has been covering the role of Research and TTM Manager in the ATENA High-Technology District for Sustainable Energy Systems.

Her research activity has produced many prototypes based on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies: back-up power generator; micro-CHP system; smart hybrid propulsion system for light passenger and commercial vehicles; microbial fuel cell reactors. More than 180 scientific papers that she authored or co-authored in her research fields have been presented at national and international conferences and published in international journals. She is involved in research projects devoted to building a European roadmap towards full-scale FC and H2 deployment and promoting novel and sustainable technologies for supporting decarbonization in several energy sectors.

The following is an interview with Prof. Dr. Giovanni Improta:

Part I: About our Editorial Board Member

  1. Could you please tell us a bit about your current research?
    Hydrogen technologies from their production (electrolysis, reforming) to their utilization of power production (low- and high-temperature fuel cells).
  1. Could you recommend some hot topics in this research area?
    Hydrogen refueling station development and implementation from technical and economical points of view.
  1. What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment?
    I am a full-time professor at the University of Salerno, Italy.
  1. What motivated you to join the Energies Editorial Board? How was your experience working with the journal editorial team?
    The journal publishes interesting papers. I had good support and opportunities when working with the journal editorial team.
  1. As Energies is an Open Access journal, can you share with us your attitude or feelings toward Open Access publication?
    Today, several international projects require that research results should be published in Open Access journals.
  1. How do you think COVID-19 affects engineering research projects and publishing?
    I do not think that COVID-19 affects engineering research projects and publishing.

Part II: About women in the engineering field

  1. We know that the engineering field is male-dominated. When you were young, what made you decide to become an expert engineer?
    I had an interest in and a passion for the topics in the engineering research field.
  1. In your opinion, what are the obstacles that female engineers are facing if they want to participate more in engineering-related academia?
    It is not easy to combine family (kids) and work.
  1. Would you like to give some advice or tips for other females pursuing or those that will pursue their career in this area?
    If you love your research work, do not let obstacles get you down and go ahead.
  1. Do you think it is important to inspire more young females to participate and increase the diversity in the engineering field?
  1. Finally, do you have any suggestions for our journal’s future development?
    A reduction in fees for young women.


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