12 June 2023
Interview with Dr. Marcos Tostado Veliz—Winner of the Energies 2022 Outstanding Reviewer Award

We are pleased to announce the winner of the Energies 2022 Outstanding Reviewer AwardDr. Marcos Tostado Veliz.

Name: Dr. Marcos Tostado-Véliz

Affiliation: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Jaén, Linares, Spain

Research Interests: power systems; electric vehicles; renewable energy; microgrids; multi-energy systems; home energy management; storage systems

We would like to thank the award committee for their hard work in the difficult task of selecting five winners from such a large number of exceptional candidates, Dr. Marcos Tostado-Véliz being one of them. We will continue to reward reviewers with the Outstanding Reviewer Award to express our acknowledgment of their efforts in maintaining the high quality and quick turnaround time of the journal, and we wish them every success in their careers.

The following is a short interview with Dr. Marcos Tostado-Véliz:

  1. Could you give a brief introduction of yourself to the readers?
    I received my Electrical Engineering (with Hons.) and master’s degrees in 2016 and 2017, respectively, from the University of Seville, Spain. I started pursuing my Ph.D. in 2017 and finally obtained it in 2020 with a cum laude qualification from the University of Jaén, where I am currently an assistant professor (since 2022).
  1. What’s your current research focus, and why did you choose this research field? As a reviewer, what kind of manuscripts would you prefer to review in the future?
    My current research areas focus, principally, on smart grids and related computational tools and mathematical modeling. In particular, I am especially interested in the optimization of microgrids, energy communities and smart homes, with a special focus on the optimal integration of electric vehicles, demand response and renewables. In the future, I would like to review high-quality papers related to this area and power systems, my Ph.D. research field.
  1. Which research topics do you think are of particular interest to the research community in the coming years?
    All issues related to the decarbonization of energy systems will be of special interest in the future. Within this field, there are some interesting areas, such as the optimal integration of electric vehicles or the stability of power systems. Hydrogen generation technologies will be also a promising area, due to the important projects that were recently launched in Europe and other areas.
  1. We are an open access journal. How do you think open access impacts authors?
    In my opinion, the idea behind open access is positive for the scientific community. However, these kinds of journals should be very careful to avoid the 'pay for publishing' policy in order to keep the quality of their articles high. In fact, some countries such as Spain have become reluctant to publish open access journals due to this kind of 'suspicious' practices.
  1. Which qualities do you think reviewers need?
    A reviewer should be professional. There are some important issues to be detected during the revision process. Some reviewers are more concerned about obtaining citations rather than improving the quality of the manuscript.

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