25 June 2023
Mathematics Webinar | Towards Clifford Algebra, Geometry, and Information Science Foundations of Theoretical Physics, including Social Aspects, 30 June 2023

Welcome message from Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hitzer, the webinar chair:

Following the unification of quaternions and Grassmann algebra in geometric (Clifford) algebra, we take a new approach to grand unification in physics, and present the deep connections among (Anti) de Sitter geometry, complex conformal gravity–Maxwell theory, and grand unification, from a gauge theory of gravity based on complex Clifford algebra Cl(4, C). Among other things, a plausible cancelation mechanism of the cosmological constant is found involving an algebraic constraint between complex vierbein components.

In cybernetics, Clifford algebra provides a projective hyper-complex decomposition pitch, relating technology with formal models restricted to conventional Bott-periodic hyper-complex coordinates that may collapse pseudo-periodic higher-order ultra-hyper-complex constellations reflecting ephemeral entanglements of z-pinched spectral twists provoked by charged shear surface deformation dynamics manifesting orthogonal Fredholm decompositions of fusion plane suspension integrals versus normal bundle derivatives spanning constructible entropy differentials to harvest.

Clifford algebra underlies MiTopos–Spacelogic, giving a recollection, integration, and continuation of extensive research on space–time matter and logic. Additionally, categories of graphs are related to logic, and quivers to geometric categories. First, such connections seem far-fetched, but they become clearer after deeper investigations. Following contemporary developments, categories are employed, and space–time algebra Star of David and its relation to elementary particle physics will be explained.

Date: 30 June 2023; 7:00 a.m. CEST| 1:00 a.m. EDT | 1:00 p.m. CST Asia

Webinar ID: 862 4714 6079

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Speaker/Presentation Time in CEST
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hitzer (Chair)
Chair Introduction
07:00–07:10 a.m.
Dr. Carlos Castro
(Anti) de Sitter Geometry, Complex Conformal Gravity–Maxwell Theory from a Cl (4, C) Gauge Theory of Gravity
07:10–07:40 a.m.
Dr. Michael Schreiber
Prompt Geometric Fusion
07:40–08:10 a.m.
Dr. Bernd Schmeikal
MiTopos - Spacelogic 1
08:10–08:40 a.m.
Q&A Session 08:40–08:55 a.m.
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hitzer (Chair)
Closing of Webinar
08:55–09:00 a.m.

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Webinar Chair and Keynote Speakers:

  • Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hitzer, College of Liberal Arts, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan;
  • Dr. Carlos Castro, Ronin Institute, Montclair, NJ, USA;
  • Dr. Michael Schreiber, Vienna University for Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria;
  • Dr. Bernd Schmeikal, Retired Member of Vienna Institute for Social Science Documentation and Methodology (WISDOM), Vienna, Austria.

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